• Shamanic Journey Workshops

Shamanic Journey and Spiritual Guidance Workshops

Experience connection and belonging. Join a supportive community of like-minded individuals as you explore the realms of spirituality and transformation. Live, small gatherings of 5-9 students bring social connection and spiritual growth. Small group workshops provide a sacred space for everyone to safely and actively participate, express their thoughts, do shamanic journeys, and engage in discussions. Each workshop curriculum is custom tailored to the group interests and pacing. New workshop offerings are always coming, so check back often!

The spiritual path can be lonely, especially for those of us who don’t fit into one specific belief system. Stacey’s diverse community of shamanic journey and spiritual guidance workshop participants generates new friendships and helps students heal from loneliness and isolation.

Dream Interpretation

dream interpretation workshop with spiritual advisor Stacey Couch

WHEN: 4:30pm-6:30pm MDT
DATES: Wednesday, May 22, 2024
CLASS SIZE: 5 Students

In this small-group workshop, find the spiritual meaning of your dreams. More than just subconscious expressions of repressed feelings, dreams carry deep insights from your soul and the soul of the world. Explore where dreams come from and why they come. Discover how to strengthen your connection with your dream-life and your intuition. Receive valuable instruction on how to remember your dreams and become experienced at dream interpretation for yourself. You don’t need to have extensive and detailed dreams to participate. Spiritual Advisor Stacey Couch offers individualized suggestions on how to interpret the symbols in your dreams on an archetypal level. No prior experience required.

Find Your Spirit Animal

spirit animal workshop with Stacey Couch. Painting of a red-tailed hawk on a blue sky.

WHEN: 4:30pm-6:00pm MDT
DATES: Tuesday, June 18 & Thursday, June 20, 2024

Have you always wanted to find your spirit animal? Is there an animal you really connect with, but aren’t sure if they are your spirit animal? In this small-group workshop, you find your spirit animal, receive confirmation of your bond, and connect on a soul level with them to receive guidance. Learn the what a spirit animal is, and how to relate with them in your daily life. Get answers to all your questions about spirit animals. Spiritual Advisor and Shamanic Teacher, Stacey Couch, leads a discussion and meditation to help you find your spirit animal. She then provides an individualized spirit animal reading about your specific spirit animal. No prior experience required.

Beginning Shamanic Journey

shamanism workshop. shamanic journey workshop. Watercolor of a person climbing stairs to a tree with the sun lighting the way.

WHEN: Winter 2024/2025
CLASS SIZE: 5 Students

Curious about shamanism? Wondering how to create a deeper spiritual connection? Join Shamanic Teacher, Stacey Couch, and four other spiritual seekers for this life-changing workshop to learn the primary technique of shamanism, the shamanic journey. Receive instruction for accessing the spirit world and gathering messages from the Divine. Much like a waking dream and known as “soul-flight”, shamanic journeys allow you to connect deeply with your soul and experience healing. With Stacey Couch, you find a nurturing, creative learning environment from which to embark on the journey of realizing your authentic self. Compassion surrounds you as you experience the heart of the Sacred in love with you.

Trusting Your Intuition

DATES: Summer 2024
CLASS SIZE: 5 Students

Join Spiritual Advisor, Stacey Couch, and four other spiritual seekers for a live online six-week workshop on trusting your intuition. We speak about wanting to trust our intuition more, but how do we go about doing this? This workshop is for seekers who want help understanding their intuition better and developing faith in their intuitive abilities. Since this is a small group, each member has time each meeting to share their experiences, receive direct feedback, and get supportive guidance. This workshop helps you discern between what is intuitive guidance and where you are making things up. You also receive guidance on how to overcome doubt and fear so that you can act on the guidance with more confidence.

Spiritual Advisor Stacey Couch teaches the Shamanic Journey

About Stacey Couch, Spiritual Guidance Teacher

Stacey Couch values the ability to think for yourself, find your own spiritual guidance, and learn from experience. Her teaching in shamanic journeys and spiritual guidance is a co-creative process that values students as equal contributors. Stacey Couch specializes in working with students in life transitions, who are reimagining their spirituality, and who need their own soul care. She has taught small group shamanic journey, spiritual guidance, and archetypes workshops to hundreds of students around the world for over 15 years. Have questions about which workshop is right for you? Contact Stacey for help deciding.